13 May 2020. To support the SKWAWKBOX and raise awareness of the independent Left media, visit our store for T-shirts, hoodies and more. Is not Starmer doing both with HQ staff? "[16] Labour Party historian Alex Nunns described how "Left-wing hopefuls, like Christine Shawcroft or Mark Seddon, were stopped at all costs. While all around you crumbles to dust. Fair weather socialists (?) Of those involved in the new group, only one appears to have publicly expressed support for Jeremy Corbyn though that one was after the result of the Labour NECs vote on whether to reinstate Corbyn to the Labour benches was already known. [40], John Smith won the electoral college vote against Gould with 91% of the vote. Ian has been the MP for Liverpool West Derby since 2019 and was the co-founder of Fans Supporting Foodbanks, a community initiative by football fans to tackle food poverty in Liverpool. Delusional is a serious mental illness and shouldnt be funded by sane people when this lot will be unemployed in eighteen months time.. Not a Socialist. Mr Loach announced his exclusion from the party through Twitter on Saturday. I couldnt agree more. Below is the full text of the Socialist Campaign Group statement and its signatories. Jim.I think it means not sacking the servants and cutting their wages instead.so very new age neo liberal alliance. With Britain passing the horrific milestone of 100,000 Covid deaths this week, members of the Socialist Campaign Group have called on the Government to adopt the Zero Covid strategy that has effectively eliminated the virus in many Pacific and East Asian countries. Zarah Sultana MP @socialistcam Tweets Socialist Campaign Group @socialistcam Occasional tweets from the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. To avoid this party officials changed the rules mid-contest, at the suggestion of Gould, to allow MPs who had already nominated a candidate to withdraw and support another instead. TWT22 // Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally In light of this, the decision to not restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn is wrong and damaging to the Labour Party. Eleven Labour MPs and Jeremy Corbyn backed a Stop the War campaign . Where do they stand on the dangerous, fake pandemic? Diane Abbott MP [43][44], In 2007 only 24 of 353 Labour MPs were members of the Socialist Campaign Group and party rules required nominations from 45 MPs (12.5% of the Parliamentary Labour Party) to make it onto the ballot paper. All candidates in the Labour leadership election earlier this year pledged to implement an independent process, and this is a compulsory move following the publication of the final EHRC report on Labour antisemitism. Another day, another initiative on the Labour left. Conrad Landin, Selective History Sidecar Just wonder if this is the prelude to a leadership bid by at least a couple of them. Party workers were tasked with personal lobbying for the leaderships preferred choice, or were even told to chase up certain postal votes but not others. For 14 years Gaza has been under siege. [67] Campaign Group members Rebecca Long-Bailey and Richard Burgon ran for leader and deputy leader of the Labour Party respectively. In the days following the referendum a number of Corbyn's critics resigned from the Shadow Cabinet and the parliamentary party passed a vote of no confidence in Corbyn by 172 votes against to 40 for. Party Governance structure which has been The Board of Deputies of British Jews president Marie van der Zyl welcomed Starmers withholding of the Labour whip from Corbyn and described the move as an appropriate leadership decision. John Hendy The right to mass media which provides accurate news, free from bias or distortion, and a diversity of views. Not in my book at least. Jeremy Corbyn will be turning up for the fifty years commemoration since thirteen civilians were murdered by Crown forces on the streets of Derry.Fifty years and still no justice for the murders of innocent civilians.Jeremy Corbyn has always been in the right place at the right time to support the victims of British Occupation of partitioned Ireland.God bless him and all peacemakers. The result, boosted by a higher than expected turnout despite the coronavirus pandemic, comes as a surprise after the Socialists had lost most of their advantage in recent opinion polls, and means Portugal will have a stable government to oversee the application of EU pandemic recovery funds. Mick Whitley MP In January 2020, the Socialist Campaign Group was reformed. for hiding their real motives. been left wing in the slightest. Paula Barker MP I maybe didnt choose the right word. Who are the HNW donors who are funding this new socialist grouping. There have been nine Labour Leadership Elections since the formation of the Socialist Campaign Group: 1983, 1988, 1992, 1994, 2007, 2010, 2015, 2016 and 2020. [2] The Campaign Group maintains close links with Momentum. ffs. Clive Lewis MP THE Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs called on the party to immediately reinstate the membership of filmmaker and anti-racist Ken Loach today. Just saying !! Mobilise the energy of the multi-generational, multi-racial, class-based movement - brought into the Labour Party by Jeremy Corbyn's socialist leadership - to effect real political change and achieve socialism in our lifetime. We stand with people all around the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in defence of their inalienable rights. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs around Corbyn finally, in August, announced its support for a Zero-Covid policy, but its statement was careful to make clear that the measures proposed . Christine Blower Pauline Bryan, By clicking subscribe you confirm you have read and agree to our privacy policy. With everyone concentrating on just surviving the Tory government then its good that you continue to highlight a silent poison flouride in water.IF there was any benefit from adding flouride to fresh water without any problems then we and Cafod would have done so years ago when providing free clean water from boreholes in the third world countries.,.I am retired but not de..commisioned and will continue in a small way to defend ordinary people especially the working-class who are invisible to the authorities across the world. But while the vast majority are struggling to get by, its boom time for the privileged few who are getting ever richer and the corporations raking in record profits. Paul Smith the science and The Science (that supports the shamful, harmful and pathogenically dangerous Covid Narrative) are two very different things. It could also be, that she is a democrat too and finds difficult to breath in the stench of fascism that the Labour leadership is producing right now. The February 1988 edition of Campaign Group News included "The Aims and Objectives of the Labour Party" a statement agreed by the Campaign Group of Labour MPs and circulated "to provide a focus for political discussion and education within the party and to be the basis of our long-term political work". So, each Campaign Group member agreed to buy one set of bolt-cutters and donate to the Greenham Women. [39] Rules introduced following Tony Benn's 1988 leadership challenge meant that candidates would have to secure nominations from 55 MPs to make it onto the ballot paper. Absolutely right Andy. Margaret Beckett described this change as "unprecedented". Nadia Whittome MP The latest manufactured 'outrage' of the Board of Deputies and the Jewish Leadership Council concerns Labour MPs Bell Ribeiro-Addy and Diane Abbott. [49] It has been suggested that this practice of lending nominations to left candidate to widen the scope of debate "set a precedent" for Jeremy Corbyn's run for Leadership in 2015. Our preference is likely for a new legal structure if Lloyd is able to administer but wed likeopinions on this. Thanks. After all our money is being used to support Starmer attended the talks with reps from the Board of Deputies, the Jewish Labour Movement, the Jewish Leadership Council and the Community Security Trust alongside deputy leader Angela Rayner and general secretary David Evans. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the party's left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. The Knights Who Say Kni? LabourList has been told that the new group includes Labour backbenchers Lloyd Russell-Moyle, Clive Lewis, Nadia Whittome, Rachael Maskell, Dawn Butler and Kim Johnson, and frontbenchers Sam Tarry and Olivia Blake. Much was submitted -including some put together by JVL of However, the evidence does not support this and various authoritative expert evaluations from different international organisations all agree that there is no convincing evidence that fluoride in drinking water at levels used in fluoridation schemes or at concentrations below the regulatory drinking water limit is harmful to general health.. Something I am in full agreement with you is, Labour fake left SOG AKA The Squad! office possibly that is why it has taken them so long to produce Does that feel wrong to anybody else, or is it just me? Labour Party news: Left-wing MPs discuss radical plan to break up party He also made it clear that public repudiation of the group would be amply and swiftly rewarded. that the group hopes to persuade to part with cash to achieve an alliance between GND [green new deal] and new/progressive economics. Since then, three (3) more similarly robust US Government funded studies (Bashash, 2018, Green, 2019 and Till 2020) have been published. It was released shortly before Unite general secretary Len McCluskey declared that he was astonished at the withdrawal of the whip, saying it was vindictive and vengeful and shows marked bad faith. A Labour spokesperson subsequently announced that Corbyn had been suspended, and the Parliamentary Labour Party whip removed from the Labour MP, in light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them. However, they did not respond when asked to confirm explicitly to confirm that this meant there was no intention ever to leave the SCG and to clarify who would be considered qualified to join, there was no response. If anything. Jon Trickett MP to get rid of Starmer I would not blame them for hiding their [17], Alan Simpson, a member of the Campaign Group during the New Labour years, described it as "the only bolt-hole of real political thought that I found throughout my parliamentary years they were the MPs you would always find on picket lines, at trade union and social movement rallies, on anti-war marches and at the forefront of campaigns to restore rather than exploit the planet. when he was really quite another. While Corbyn was party leader, from 2015 to 2019, Socialist Campaign Group activity reduced as many members joined the shadow cabinet. Thats a sign of a lightweight. [74], As of 2008 the editorial board was Jim Mortimer (chair), Diane Abbott MP, Tony Benn, Jeremy Corbyn MP, Anni Marjoram, Bill Michie MP and Pete Willsman. with Corbyn as honorary President would be a more exciting development. Thanks plain citizen I always appreciate the gesture of a little bit of the personal lives of our posters and also the info posted and thats why I dont hide myself although I know it can be used against us.in the future.My future is limited but I think its sometimes worth taking the risk of developing a picture with personal information although boring everyone is never the intention even if it does. MPs hostile to Corbyn leaked internal emails to the BBC which showed that Corbyn's team had resisted moves to pursue a more hostile line on immigration and suggested that this was evidence that Corbyn had sought to "sabotage" the remain campaign. I have tried being nice and also tried shaming them. The right to equality of treatment under just laws, free from all discrimination based upon class, sex, race, life-style or beliefs. First published in March 1986,[73] Socialist Campaign Group News was the monthly magazine of the Campaign Group. This new initiative does not smell good to me. Distasteful might have been better. LGBT+ Labour - Wikipedia Liberals, set up liberal thing. No further words are needed. Ian Byrne MP Socialist Campaign Group Privacy Policy Socialist Campaign Group Thank you for signing up Who we are Home Thank you for signing up Thank you for signing up Thank you for signing up to get updates about the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. [75], A website of the same name, providing electronic versions of some of the articles in the printed edition and lists of Campaign Group MPs, was run from 1999[76] to 2010.[77]. [65], On 24 September 2016, Corbyn was re-elected Leader of the Labour Party in another landslide victory, increasing his share of the vote from 59.5% to 61.8%. SKWAWKBOX privacy policy and GDPR information, on Exclusive: new left Socialist Campaign Group MPs form new separate group, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Unison left accuses general secretary of withholding staff and blocking democracy, After both CLP chairs, now Newham branch chair quits role and sham of a party over destruction of democracy, https://unitealliance.org/unite-the-union-submission-to-the-forde-inquiry/, Proud widow of wrong sort of Jew tells Starmer: Mike faced antisemitism from you, not members, Student apologises publicly to Corbyn for allowing pretentious d*ck Starmer to use him for photo opp, Coyle suspended from Commons for abuse with racial overtones, Starmers Labour abstains on vote to protect journalists from state persecution, allowing Tory win, JLM tells Greens: how dare you welcome Jews we dont like. Off topic.. Not only do the PTB want to slowly poisonous all, but they are using falsehoods to do so: The following clips from a letter sent to Boris Johnson by two scientists regarding the Governments intention to fluoridate the water supply are self-explanatory: Further to our letter dated 5th September 2021, we have not yet received any acknowledgement of its receipt or any reply from your office despite it being sent by recorded delivery. All of them Fake Left absolutely sickening! Socialist Campaign Group MPs are doubtful that a candidate could secure the 40 MP nominations required to stand against an incumbent leader. Will there be a Labour left leadership challenge to Keir Starmer? History is with the science. Open Letter To The Socialist Campaign Group May 14, 2021 by Chelley Ryan Dear Socialist Campaign Group, A few days ago I made the gut wrenching decision to resign my membership of the Labour Party after 11 years. Our dedicated coverage of Labour's policies and personalities, internal debates, selections and elections relies on donations from our readers. and it is a brilliant film definitely to be recommended! Tahir Ali MP The current members are listed on the Campaign Group's[78] Twitter account as: The following died while still serving in Parliament: These members left Parliament voluntarily, either to retire or for new opportunities elsewhere: These members left the Commons following the abolition of their constituencies as a result of redrawing of boundaries: These members lost their seats in general elections: The following members were expelled from the Labour Party: The following members were deselected by their Constituency Labour Parties: In 2005, Brian Sedgemore resigned the Labour Party whip and defected to the Liberal Democrats. The MPs wrote: The Equality and Human Rights Commision report ought to have been an important moment for the Labour Party to reflect and move forward together in battle against antisemitism. Defy billionaire-backed media and become a monthly supporter from just 1 per month. Fluoride is used in the corrosive etching process. Is this: Thank you for signing up - Socialist Campaign Group Open Letter To The Socialist Campaign Group | Turning the Tide Their trajectory is obvious, theres no need to wait and see. The right of access, throughout life, to the full range of human knowledge, through education at school, in college and afterwards. Labour MP for Wansbeck and former trade union leader. The site is provided free of charge but depends on the support of its readers to be viable. Dance! LabourList has more readers than ever before - but we need your support. Socialist Campaign Group MPs John McDonnell and Diane Abbott both sought nominations to run; however, McDonnell withdrew from the race after it became clear he would not receive sufficient nominations, and instead supported Abbott to give her the best chance of making it onto the ballot. The Neo-Liberal Labour Right are in complete control. Originally called the Gay Labour Group, [3] the purpose of this organisation is to campaign within the Labour Party and wider Labour movement to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender ( LGBT) peoples, and to encourage members of the LGBT community to support the Labour Party. Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally, How To Intervene in Police and State Power with Copwatch Network, Left Book Club x TWT: Socialism and Literature, With Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Wendy Liu, Elif Sarican. Fake left remainers. Sorry comrades to be so harsh but with the climate crisis, the cost of living crisis, Right Wing Tory Authoritarianism and War mongering we dont have the time for Left Wing Labour to turn things around or the Lefts CUSTERS LAST STAND! The 2015 Leadership Election was the first held under new rules introduced by Ed Miliband following the Collins Review which recommended moving to a one-member one vote (OMOV) system. The statement referred to the views of the leaders of seven trade unions, in which the heads of the Labour-affiliated organisations expressed serious concerns about the manner of and rationale for suspension of the former party leader. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/portuguese-go-polls-snap-election-marked-by-covid-uncertainty-2022-01-30/. Solidarity with Diane Abbott and Bell Ribeiro-Addy - Change.org However, many of these references are either misquoted or based on outdated science and the many, newer peer-reviewed studies are either misrepresented or not referenced at all. Lloyd Russell-Moyle MP Jeremy Corbyn is the MP for Islington North and former leader of the Labour Party. Promise to clean out the stables from top to bottom, no one is above the law we are truly all in it together and as Socialists we will never leave anyone behind. LOL. The Centre-Left was an elitist alliance between parliamentary supporters of former Labor leader Bill Hayden (who had resigned in favor of Bob Hawke) and smaller state party officials who feared the move away from equal state representation at National Conferences would lead to a loss of influence. Rupa Huq has had the Labour whip restored following her suspension from the party after she described then, This year marks the 25th anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement. [50], Corbyn outlined an anti-austerity domestic agenda and an international agenda opposed to military intervention. if they are waiting in the wings and working surreptitiously (Follow MPs who are members here: https://twitter.com/i/lists/1220096981848162305 London, England socialistcampaigngroup.com Joined April 2019 Tweets 2021 Twitter About Help Center Terms Privacy policy Since theyve mostly BEEN members of the SCG, who have gone very quiet since Starmer, I wouldnt get your hopes up. It is understood that others were invited to join the group, including Paula Barker, Beth Winter, Nav Mishra and Rachel Hopkins, but ultimately they did not become members and are not currently involved. He told The Times newspaper "I am here today because thousands of people who elected me just cannot afford to pay. Ive just found this on FB. Corbyn had issued a response to the EHRC report into antisemitism within the Labour Party, in which he argued the scale of the [antisemitism] problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents. "[26], With Tory support, the reforms were eventually passed by 422 to 98 votes. Socialist Campaign Group Calls for Urgent New Strategy to Save Lives Labour has been served with an unlawful act notice on the basis of the investigation by the EHRC. Diane Abbott is the Labour MP for Hackney North and Stoke Newington. They signed StopTheWar letter. Momentum accused Starmer of making it up as he goes along while being farcical and incompetent, with the co-chair Andrew Scattergood saying: They cant remove the whip from our movement.. An MPs Strategic Coordination Proposal document, obtained by Skwawkbox, says that the groups budget to March of this year will be almost 32,000, with a first year of operations costing 133,000. Its 17 . 18 Socialist Campaign Group MPs in parliament have signed a statement declaring that they oppose the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn and calling for the disciplinary action to be "quickly reversed". Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs Rally Online on TWTtv, Black-E Main Space 27.09.2022 7PM - 8:30PM Rally With people facing the deepest attack on living standards in decades, we urgently need to build an alternative to the soaring energy bills, pay cuts, food poverty and housing insecurity faced by millions. Build bridges with Starmer, secure their careers as Labour MPs as the real left is driven out. Tony Greenstein started this petition to Socialist Campaign Group of MPs. Katy Clark So and do feel free to correct me if Im wrong theyre basically paying for this group on expenses? Absolutely pathetic from a bunch of cowards. Do you remember when she made her base dance, after voting for a bill furthering their exploration. Starmer is not for turning, so what do they have in their armoury to force him too? My grandfather was apprenticed to be a plumber before he joined the colours and went off to the Somme. Loach, a. Rebecca Long-Bailey is MP for Salford and Eccles and former Shadow Secretary of State for Education. MPs using their training budget (Im not sure if thats from party funds or part of their parliamentary expenses) to fund this seems cheeky. ", "Rebecca Long-Bailey enters Labour leadership race as she says party needs 'proud socialist leader', "Richard Burgon MP will stand to be Labour's deputy leader", "Keir Starmer wins Labour leadership election", "The Labour Party and the Labour Left: Party Transformation and the Decline of Factionalism 197997", "Socialist Campaign Group News: October 2008", Socialist Campaign Group News website archive, History of the socialist movement in the United Kingdom, Trade Union and Labour Party Liaison Organisation, Organisations associated with the Labour Party, Labour Friends of Palestine & the Middle East, National Union of Labour and Socialist Clubs, Socialist Environment and Resources Association, Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Socialist_Campaign_Group&oldid=1136550911, Political party factions in the United Kingdom, 1982 establishments in the United Kingdom, Socialist organisations in the United Kingdom, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs on the partys left wing have issued a statement calling for the reversal of the decision taken by Keir Starmer not to restore the whip to Jeremy Corbyn. He pursued a 'carrot and stick' approach to undermining the Campaign Group by promoting MPs who were willing to leave the Campaign Group and renounce their previously held views and by isolating those who remained members. The "Zero-Covid" campaign by Britain's pseudo-left: a political cover be an attempt to form a rival NEC. If you wish to republish this post for non-commercial use, you are welcome to do so seeherefor more. Corbyn spoke at 15 rallies from London to Hastings to Aberdeen, reached more than 10 million people with his Remain messages on social media, made six statements in the Commons and put forward Remain arguments during interviews on Sky, BBC, ITV and Channel 4. It quickly became clear that the 20% nomination threshold risked eliminating all candidates except Smith: "The '20 per cent' rule was introduced in 1989 specifically to exclude the Campaign Group the left from future leadership elections. Not sure why they would set up a new group though ..? He should be reinstated as soon as possible so we can focus on implementing the EHRC recommendations., Statement following tonights meeting of the Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs. The right to enjoy dignity, and a full life, in retirement in suitable accommodation, free from financial anxieties, with proper medical, and other, facilities, including personal care, necessary to make that possible. "[12], The scale of public opposition in both polls and in the streets have been identified as one of the key causes of the end of Thatcher's premiership.[13]. the police must have known what was going on at the time. The two far left parties paid the price, losing more than a half of their seats, according to exit polls. A coalition of left-wing MPs, unions and Labour members are calling on Keir Starmer to hold an emergency party conference, HuffPost UK has learned. Why dont you rename your self as the liberal box? Issues regularly covered included: women's liberation, Black Sections, international liberation struggles, internal Labour Party democracy and elections, reports from the National Executive Committee, proposed resolutions for Labour Party Conference, socialist economic policy, disabled people's rights, Northern Ireland and the Conservative Party. But thats all the SCG ever seems to do, talk about anything but the matter that counts, the pointlessness of staying in the Starmer party. [5], The Campaign Group subsequently organised itself around opposition to the direction the party took under the leadership of Kinnock and his successors. Brilliant contribution my friend, cheers. 16 members of the left-wing parliamentary group did not sign the statement last night, including Nadia Whittome MP who had said she was saddened by the suspension but cannot agree with Corbyns statement on the report. Gabbard is another one. The Socialist Campaign Group of Labour MPs has released a statement defending Ken Loach as a "fierce opponent of discrimination", urging the party to reinstate the filmmaker. "A caucus of 'eleven new left Labour MPs and an MSP' from the Socialist Campaign Group (SCG) of left-wing Labour MPs have agreed to set up a separate group with its own funding, priorities - and at least one staff member."The Skwawkbox Beckett's campaign was supported due to her position that Tory anti-union laws should be repealed and that anti-union changes to the party constitution should stop. It is the funds from hidden and unknown sources which This campaign had no support at all from the Labour Party at a national level, no official party rallies being organised, and those who rallied were singled out for disciplinary action, many being expelled from the party just because they were active in the movement, and some prospective local and parliamentary candidates were refused endorsement by the NEC merely for their principled refusal to pay."[14].

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