Worse, you could cause a crash, and end up hurting yourself and wrecking your car in the process. A large vehicle following closely behind is a: closed sightline and travel path to the rear When preparing to make a lane change, what else should you do besides use lane change signal device? A. Only on dark streets Slowly release the gas pedal; if you must brake, do so gently Be prepared for workers and equipment ahead, AS YOU PREPARE TO TURN RIGHT AT A CORNER WHERE THERE IS A BICYCLE LANE, YOU SHOULD SIGNAL, LOOK CAREFULLY FOR BICYCLISTS, AND THEN: . Driving too close to the car in front of you can often lead to accidents and rear-end collisions. If the roads are slippery, you can increase your following distance by counting to a higher number. A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means: Slow down before entering. Indefinite B. If youre too close behind them, it could result in disaster. C. In the median, IF A CAR AHEAD OF YOU HAS STOPPED AT A CROSSWALK, YOU SHOULD: If youre not careful, you could end up in a terrible accident. The rule gives you just a little extra time in case they hit their brakes unexpectedly. C. High speed traffic. Managing Space - PennDOT Driver & Vehicle Services Sharing the road with heavy vehicles - Department of Transport and Main How much stopping distance you need varies depending upon driving conditions. A. When passing a large truck, you should never cut it off. B. Foot fetishism has been defined as a pronounced sexual interest in feet. It is important to keep the following points in mind: The speed limits on ramps are designed for cars, not big trucks. What is the ICD-10 code for the history of latent tuberculosis? B. C) .08 Some large vehicles like trucks and buses can block your vision when you follow too closely. Tailgating - what is it and why is it dangerous? B. Stop 10 ft behind the signal May only be crossed to enter a private driveway C. Lack of driving skill, FLASH FLOODS CAN CAUSE VEHICLES TO FLOAT AND FILL WITH WATER, TRAPPING AND DROWNING PEOPLE. However, if youre driving on a wet or slippery road, the following distance should be increased by about one second per 10 feet. This will allow a driver to react to an emergency situation. Parallel to the road This simple rule works no matter what speed youre traveling at. In order to avoid collisions, keeping a safe following distance and using the 3-second rule can help you stay safe whenever youre behind the wheel. C. Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance, C. Motorcycles should be followed at a greater distance, WHO HAS THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT AN INERSECTION WITH NO CROSSWALKS? B. Explain two differences between blood and hemolymph. A. Quickly on the left and move ahead of it, WHAT IS A COMMON FACTOR IN THE TRAFFIC DEATHS OF TEENAGE DRIVERS? Another rule of thumb: dont pass on the right. Explanation: When following a large vehicle, keep well back. You should drive at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front during ideal conditions. You can do this by using a specific point ahead such as a sign that you see on the side of the road, and then count one-thousand-one, one-thousand- two, one-thousand-three.. A. Stabilize during the lane change. A. C. six Never drive faster than is safe for current conditions. You should also increase your following distance whenever you see any type of bus if youre driving in the cities. Pull off the road, park, remove your ignition key and rest, IF YOU ARE DRIVING AND YOU FIND THAT NOTHING SEEMS TO HELP YOU STAY AWAKE, YOU SHOULD: Always check your rear-view mirror before passing a large truck. C. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way, C. Pedestrians always have the right-of-way, THE VERY FIRST EFFECT OF EVEN A SMALL AMOUNT OF ALCOHOL ON A PERSON'S SAFE DRIVING ABILITY IS TO REDUCE HIS OR HER: A. Visit our website if youvereceived an auto insurance rate increase, a traffic ticket, or need to take a court-ordered defensive driving course to enroll in our online defensivedriving coursestoday! California Privacy Rights Act When you're following a large vehicle like a truck or a semi-trailer; When visibility is limited due to fog, rain, snow, dust, or smoke. Get the CORRECT Answer B. B. Intersectional U-turn If road or weather conditions require an even slower speed, 39. A. A. C.) Drive to the side of the road and stop in the designated area. Ideally, you should always try to maintain a3-second following distanceor more whenever possible. Stop before crossing the intersection With information taken directly from the CA driver handbook, you have Another important thing to remember is that a large trucks blind spot is larger than a passenger cars. Every year . Here are four key defensive driving techniques that will help you stay safe: Dont try to do anything that could distract you from driving, such as using your phone, adjusting the stereo, or eating. Following It is very dangerous to follow to closely behind another vehicle. You are driving in: The carpool lane and must merge into the next . D. eight, YOU ARE IN A TRUCK'S BLIND SPOT IF: On country roads drivers often become impatient when behind trucks but you should not take unnecessary risks when overtaking. Vehicles, but they should slow down and be careful Lorries - understanding the potential hazards larger vehicles can cause. If you are driving below 40 mph, you should leave at least one second for every 10 feet of vehicle length. If your speed increases, the distance between your vehicle and the car in front of you also needs to increase in order to leave the three-second gap. Its also important to double the distance in poor conditions and always turn on your headlights. B. A. WHICH OF THESE STATEMENTS IS TRUE ABOUT SLIPPERY ROAD SURFACES? Heavy vehicles are large, not very manoeuvrable and often slow around the city. Your reflexes slow in bad weather Explanation You should use your low beam headlights when you are closer than 500 feet behind another vehicle or when in heavy traffic. Listening to music through a set of dual headphones, WHEN YOU FOLLOW VEHICLES TOO CLOSELY AND ANOTHER DRIVER SUDDENLY CUTS IN FRONT OF YOU, WHAT SHOULD YOU DO? Of course, heavy traffic and busy roads dont always make this possible but this is the best space to ensure you can stop safely. Drivers Training Flashcards | Quizlet B. Drivers who are speeding will have a shorter reaction distance since theyll run into trouble at a much faster pace. when parking on the right shoulder of a hill where there is no curb you should, turn the front wheels so they point to the side of the road, a large vehicle following closely behind is a, closed sightline and travel path to the rear, when you look far and near and side to side you are, Detecting potentially threatening objects or conditions in traffic mostly depends on, Managing space to the front of your car requires a following distance of atleast, The primary purpose of traffic laws are to, better enable highway users to predict the actions of other users, the purpose of a diamond shaped yellow sign with black markings is to, signs that tell a driver of a possible danger a short distance ahead and allows the driver time to safely minimize risk, signs that help drivers get to their destination by identifying routes well in advance, signs that tell the driver about specific laws that a driver must obey, signs that are temporary and let you know when you should be prepared to stop or detour due to an unplanned event, signs that are rectangle or diamond shape and orange in color with black lettering, the imaginary line that extends from your eyes to the point of focus, how far your vehicle will travel, in ideal conditions; while you are braking, checking sides and rear for speed and lane position options, the space into which you can safely direct your vehicle with the lowest possible risk, detects changes in color and object movement, providing you with info about moving or stationary objects that could be threats along the intended path of travel, an area 20 to 30 seconds from the front of the vehicle and is critical in gaining as much info as possible from the driving scene, provides detail of objects and conditions and is the primary visual function employed in targeting, the entire area of the highway and surroundings that you can see at the given moment, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the side of the vehicle is visible in the mirror, when adjusting the mirror to this setting, the driver will not see the left and right sides of the vehicle when glancing at the outside mirrors, steering technique which permits the driver to make steering inputs while keeping both hands on the wheel, releasing brake pressure from the brake pedal allowing the low idle of the engine to move the vehicle forward, application of the brake pressure to a point just short of locking up the brakes, resulting in maximum braking capability, braking done with sufficient pressure to slow the vehicle, steering technique well suited when speed of the steering movement is critical, such as skid recovery in a rear wheel traction loss, light accelerator pressure allows a slow forward motion of the vehicle, releasing the accelerator to stop the vehicle's forward propulsion, interchange used when a road that has little traffic crosses a busy expressway, roadways which typically carry a high volume of traffic with many hazards involved and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph) depending on the area and location, high-speed roadways that typically carry a high volume of traffic, interchange enables drivers to proceed in either direction on either highway, lane near the entrance or exit of an expressway used by vehicles to enter or exit, locations where a driver can enter and exit the expressway, interchange used where a side forms a T intersection with an expressway, roadways that carry a low volume of traffic and can be of varying speeds (25-55mph), results when a situation, event, object or person draws a driver's focus away from driving, when drivers maintain eye contact with a crash scene, even beyond the point that they pass the scene, a type of distraction that takes the driver's mind away from the road, such as engaging in conversation with a passenger or thinking about something that happened that day, occurs when a driver's attention drifts away from driving without having been influenced by a situation, event, or person, requires drivers to slow and change lanes when approaching a roadside incident, such as an emergency vehicle stopped on the side of the road, the distance a vehicle travels while making a stop, when passing someone riding a bike ahead of you. Never insist on it The Crossword Solver finds answers to classic crosswords and cryptic crossword puzzles. Be far away from the radio controls B. C. Passing slow vehicles, IF YOU SEE ORANGE CONSTRUCTION SIGNS AND CONES ON A FREEWAY, YOU MUST: What are Truck Drivers Blind Spots Called? So keep these thoughts in mind: Your speed relative to others, and your ability to accelerate These vehicles must stop at railroad crossings, so stay vigilant. 2 years If you pass the same point before you make it to three, you are likely too close to the car in front of you and will need to slow down in order to increase your following distance. B. 90 days B. four Over 40 mph, add an extra second. Quiz 7 - Jotform Avoid following too closely and position your vehicle so the truck driver can see it in his side mirrors. Warn traffic to slow down. The safety of our DriveSafe Online family, customers and partners is our primary concern. Approaching bicyclists Of those collisions, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), about 22% are the direct result of the commercial vehicle driver following the car in front of them too closely. YOU CAN BE CITED FOR SPEEDING: Driver ed final exam Flashcards | Quizlet Look Behind: Check the traffic behind you frequentlyseveral times a minuteso you'll know if somebody is tailgating, coming up too fast or trying to pass. C. Help pedestrians at night. Within the Local Group, some show a red shift and some show a blue shift. B. Place your engine gear into the parked position When Following a Large Truck You Should? - Prettymotors.com Most rear-end collisions are caused by vehicles following too closely. C. Facing downhill, IT IS ILLEGAL TO ENTER AN INTERSECTION WHEN: Look over your left shoulder What is a Large Vehicle Following Closely Behind? Turn your head and look over your shoulder B. Look beyond your range of headlights C. Use your high-beams The pedestrian B. For example, if you were to double your speed, youd quadruple the braking distance. B. D. All of the above, WHEN BACKING UP YOUR CAR, YOU SHOULD: Maneuvering in a space with limited sightlines Usually have the right-of-way A. two [2]. If you are riding in this position, not only will the trucker be unable to see you, but the truck will block your view of the road ahead. Professional drivers follow this rule of thumb and maintain a minimum of six seconds between vehicles. Have a space cushion Leave enough space between yourself and the vehicle ahead, behind and to either side to stop safely or steer around a possible hazard. To avoid this, use the "three-second rule." When the vehicle ahead of you passes a certain point, such as a sign, count "one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two, one - thousand-three." This takes about three seconds. Turn on your four-way hazard lights C. In terms of who must yield the right-of-way. Another thing that can affect your following distance is the type of vehicles on the road. State the differences between the electric force and the strong force. B) .001 This can lead to a preventable crash. C. Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection, C. Yield to any vehicle, bicycle, or pedestrian in the intersection, SOLID YELLOW LINES SEPARATE: The truck will need at least two football fields to stop, so it is important to give it plenty of space. A. 120 days Large trucks have a much larger blind spot than a car, so youll have to give them plenty of room to stop. Using high beams is only legal if you are at least 500 feet behind the approaching vehicle. Vehicle has the right-of-way Driving defensively means paying attention to the drivers around you and anticipating potential complications before a dangerous event occurs. B. The car in the intersection The reaction distance is determined by how far your car is between something happening ahead of you and how you react to it. Real 2023 DMV Questions - DMV Written Tests Not giving them this space can end in a collision and could put passengers in danger. A. Turn the front wheels so they point to the side of the road C. To warn others of bad conditions, BEFORE GETTING OUT OF YOUR PARKED CAR ON THE TRAFFIC SIDE OF THE STREET, YOU SHOULD: Is a common cause for rear-end collisions. C. As the rain begins to fall Helps you avoid other drivers' blind spots. Your cab will fill with fumes. C. Accelerate to avoid being cut off, YOU MUST YIELD THE RIGHT-OF-WAY AT AN INTERSECTION TO: On a level road D. Measuring, comparing, and evaluating a traffic situation, Communication with others to reduce risk in a possible conflict situation involves? Failure to do so puts everyone on the road at risk. Mark one answer. An example of a driver following too closely is shown in the video clip below. When driving near a large vehicle, be aware of the driver's blind spots on the right, left, front and behind. Slow down by shifting to a lower gear Rear-end collisions are the most common type of accident, and its usually because at least one driver is not paying attention. C. Slow-moving vehicle, TWO SETS OF SOLID DOUBLE YELLOW LINES TWO FEET OR MORE APART: B. A. A. . A. As little as possible AP Chem Molecular Geometry and Bond angles, SEGMENT I - IMPORTANT QUESTIONS - WORKSHEET #1. Also, if youre driving at a fast speed, they may drift backwards if they cant see you. C. Attention and memory When Following a Truck at Night You Should?

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