[2] Cornel West, Race Matters (Boston: Beacon Press, 1993), chapter 1. In like manner, the election of Barack Obama as President might be viewed as the culminating, climactic event of the Civil Rights Era, signifying the advent of a post-racial America and vindicating once and for all the mainstream, integrationist tradition in AfricanAmerican political thought lately exemplified by King. IV, ed. [37] Ibid., pp. [60] He feared that such a development among black Americans likewise would be the effect of continuing failures to do justice by American institutions, as it could result also from the disaffection propagated by black advocates of emigration, despairing of Americas prospects for reform. Fair play meant at minimum that the nation must reject the alternatives of (1) re-enslavement, this time of the entire black American population; (2) colonization or expatriation; (3) persisting subordination of blacks as a degraded caste; and (4) outright extermination. His new duties in that office compelled him, as he later wrote, to re-think the whole subject, and to study, with some care, not only the just and proper rules of legal interpretation, but the origin, design, nature, rights, powers, and duties of civil government.[13] This rethinking, he reported, brought about a radical change in my opinions.[14] At the center of that change was a radical reappraisal of the American Founding. Aside from all the, Patrick Henry once said, give me liberty, or give me death. In the eyes of Frederick Douglass and countless others enslaved, this took on a much deeper meaning to them. That's evidence. Suppose that you are trying to get information from people who equivocate. Latest answer posted August 20, 2009 at 11:51:14 PM. Twenty months later, he returned a free man by law, his freedom having been purchased with funds raised by English friends, and resumed his abolitionist labors in the U.S. 'My friends that have Internet access make the Honor Roll.'. Various options can be effective: 1. Douglass's life-story is presented in a way that creates a compelling argument against the justification of slavery. The main purpose of a counterclaim is to address the opposite side of the argument and provide a rebuttal. The Declarations affirmation, as self-evident truths, of the principles that all men are created equal and that they are endowed by their Creator with the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is now commonly read as a declaration only of the rights of propertied white males. Such attention is properly directed toward, but also beyond, the icons of the recent era of reform. [45] The manuscript is available in the Frederick Douglass Papers at the Library of Congress (Speech, Article, and Book File; Miscellany, Folder 7 of 20) and also online at the librarys Douglass Papers Web site, http://memory.loc.gov/ammem/doughtml/doughome.html. For example, This evidence may be true; however, the objection does not change the fact that, 2. The question that has with stood the test of time is, are these encounters that have been written out, exaggerated or the whole truth and nothing but the truth? In the early 1800s Frederick Douglass was born in Tuckahoe, Maryland, and grew up on Colonial Edward Lloyds plantation. All rights reserved. In paragraph 5, (b) How does he refute that counterclaim? 348349 (emphasis in original). While this quote is from a credible source (Carolina Justice Policy Center) and provides factual evidence, the evidence is not relevant to the specific claim and reasoning provided. Every year adds to the black mans numbers. [23] See especially Douglass, The Doom of the Black Power, July 27, 1855, in Life and Writings, Vol. I, ed. [11] Douglass, Speech at the American Anti-Slavery Society, May 11, 1847, in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Vol. Not only will people need to know where you got your evidence, they might even want to see it. In each piece of literature both authors also unknowingly touch on topics of early American history such as free labor ideology and paternalism therefore deepening our knowledge of popular understandings during this time period. Pro-slavery whites pointed out that black people, when questioned, said they were happy with their situation. 411, 414. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave - eNotes The counterclaim is the opposite argument which the author addresses in order provide a rebuttal. [21], Douglass believed that slavery was doomed, first and foremost, because he believed that the law of nature as epitomized in the Declaration was, at some deep level, not only true but known or felt to be true by all concerned in the conflict over slavery. Want this question answered? The first step in her transition from kindness to cruelty is when she is instructed to cease teaching Frederick Douglass to read. [30] Life and Writings, Vol. Proponents of this skeptical view cite the persistence of racial segregation in neighborhoods and schools; the persistence of stark disparities between black and white Americans in various measures of social and economic well-being; and, most alarmingly, the deepening alienationthe nihilism, as Cornel West candidly named it[2]prevalent among many AfricanAmericans living in urban poverty. ete the task. The propensity of the latter, he warned, was to foster an enervating spirit of alienationa perpetual longing for some mighty revolution, diverting and dissipating the energies of those who harbored it.[59]. That appreciation was, however, specific to the maturity of his thought. "In addition to wasting lives, the death penalty also wastes money. Douglasss suggestions in these remarks about the proper way to conceive of reparation for slavery nicely encapsulate his political thought in the postwar period and indeed throughout his entire career. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? - tiebe.gay how does douglass refute this counterclaim? - daxasys.com IV, p. 420. But he makes it equally clear that slavery was not successful in achieving this aim. He understands that education is his only way out of slavery. -he's hopeful that they hear what he's saying & things change over time, Write a summary of this excerpt from "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" In addition to using Counterclaim and Refutation Sentence Frames, writing teachers may also be interested in these related articles:Why Use an Essay Counterclaim?,Where to Put the Essay Counterclaim, andWhat is the Essay Counterclaim? 29 plumtrees road newtown, ct; popular subdivision names; how to cite the implicit association test Learn what a claim and counterclaim is in argumentative texts, and study examples of the components of an argument. [8] The reader interested in a fuller account of Douglasss life should begin by reading Douglasss autobiographies: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845); My Bondage and My Freedom (1855); and Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881; expanded 1892). Fortunately, his master never treated him unkindly, until he was sent to be with a master that was the extreme opposite. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. As he gathered his energies to prepare yet another lecture on the imperative of equal justice for all, he suffered a sudden heart attack or stroke and died on February 20, 1895. [46] One of the most corrupting, debilitating effects of slavery, in Douglasss analysis, was its fostering of a cultural disdain for laboring as an activity beneath the dignity of truly free, truly human beings. [41] Address of the Colored National Convention, in Life and Writings, Vol. June 14, 2022 The conclusion ties to the claim and. A claim of cause and effect is a claim that one thing influences or affects another. The Union victory signified, for Douglass, much more than the defeat of one particular rebellion and more, too, than the defeat of the troublesome particular doctrines that inspired that rebellion. In paragraph 5, (a) What does Douglass acknowledge as a counterclaim to his to confirm your understanding of the speech. Abigail_Lane_-_Argumentative_Structure-Frederick_Douglass Finally, he cites his altercation with Mr. That's a reason. An education can open doors that were once closed. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? work!!! The louder she screamed, the harder he whippedI was quite a child, but I well remember it. Claims of fact make assertions that can be proven or disproven with evidence. For Douglass especially, the stakes of that contest were matters of concrete urgency as well as of larger national destiny. Counterclaims are also provable and supportable by reasons and evidence. Frederick Douglass autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave offers a depiction of slavery like very few before him, from his firsthand accounts. They also remarked that slaves were often singing, which was said to prove they were happy, asserted that slaves were well taken of with cradle-to-grave security offered by benign masters, and argued that Christianity insured that white slave owners treated slaves with compassion. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? - ammcap.com Although the election meant that a new order of eventsis now fairly opening upon the country, he reserved judgment as to just how significant a change was in prospect. How does the concept vocabulary sharpen the reader's understanding of [27], Through long and deep reflection, Douglass finally came to regard Lincoln as the one manto whom we are more indebted for a United Nation and for American liberty than to any otherthe greatest statesman that ever presided over the destinies of this Republic.[28], Lincolns assassination was the crowning crime of slavery, as Douglass declared in his 1876 memorial, and it was also a damaging blow to hopes for a just and prudent policy for the nations postwar reconstruction. The United States should ban capital punishment. Up from Alienation: Douglasss Abolitionist Years, Speaking to the Garrisonian American Anti-Slavery Society in 1847, a youthful Douglass posed a poignant question and supplied a dispiriting answer. The federal government would find itself surrounded by a hostile spirit in the lately rebellious states, he warned, and the strength to counterbalance this spirit would be found in the negroes of the south.[40] Moreover, a policy of equal suffrage would have, over time, a more profound integrative effect in the healing of racial divisions. What is the "mournful wail" that gives Douglass the topic for his speech? He point-by-point counters a Southern narrative that argued that slavery benefitted black people. He barely knew his mother, who died shortly before or after he turned eight years old. First, it makes clear that Douglasss demand for nothing but fair play allowed for vigorous protective and remedial action by the federal government. Douglasss sometimes stern emphasis on the virtues of self-reliance and self-elevation does not mean that he had grown insensitive to the magnitude of the difficulties yet to be overcome; nor does it mean that he had resorted to blaming the victim or placing exclusive responsibility on the freedpeople for their condition. a) the regulation of business protected consumers. Douglass states that "scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed." Now you turnthe opposing point of view, evidence, and analysis back to support your thesis statement. He allowed that Lincolns election has demonstrated the possibility of electingan anti-slavery reputation to the Presidency of the United States.[24] But an anti-slavery reputation was a far cry from a genuine abolitionist, in Douglasss estimation, and Douglass at first expected little of Lincoln, who did not share his radically abolitionist reading of the Constitution. We are able to explore new ideas and concepts, which leads to more knowledge. In the postwar decades, Douglasss initially bright hopes for rapid, lasting reforms faded as the nations governing majority, weary of conflict, flagged in its commitment to enforcing the civil and political rights of the freedpeople in the ex-rebel states. Douglass unveils the atrocious truth about slavery that was hidden for so many years. The Common Core State Standards for grades 7-12 include the counterclaim in the argumentative essay (W. 1.0). IV, p. 183. The fact is, Douglass observed as he reviewed the succession of failed attempts to quiet the controversy over slavery, the more the question has been settled, the more it has needed settling. Conclusion--The conclusion of a five-paragraph essay is one paragraph. 117118. Criticizethe reasoning of the counterclaimas being flawed, illogical, or biased. 9, Sala 89, Brusque, SC, 88355-20. Concluding his July Fourth oration in 1852, he reassured his audience, I do not despair of this country. We must not beg men to do for us what we ought to do for ourselves. In time, Douglass came to see the wisdom in Lincolns prudent statesmanship, as he acknowledged in his most developed reflection on Lincoln, his speech at the unveiling of the Freedmens Monument to Lincoln in 1876. how does douglass refute this counterclaim?kids baking championship where are they now marshall park lunenburg ma where is boca grande beach where is boca grande beach How might a group of people denounce a government policy? V, pp. 202203 (emphasis added). The 1850s witnessed a series of what, to many, must have appeared to be catastrophic setbacks for the abolitionist cause, beginning with the execrated Fugitive Slave Law of 1850, including also the KansasNebraska Act of 1854, and culminating in the Dred Scott ruling in 1857. He claims that African Americans like himself have been denied the freedom that the holiday supports. Frederick Douglass's America: Race, Justice, and the Promise of the If the author's claim is that organ selling should be legalized, an example of an effective counterclaim would be that organ selling should not be legalized because it can drive up the cost of organ transplants, meaning that only the rich could afford to receive a transplant. [42] Douglass, Northern Whigs and Democrats, July 7, 1848, in Life and Writings, Vol. [7] At the heart of all that he learned and taught were these simple propositions: A formidable thinker as well as an activist and a polemicist, Frederick Douglass produced the most powerful argument for the affirmation of those principles in the history of AfricanAmerican political thought. His final break with Garrison came in 1851, when he announced that he had come to reject the core Garrisonian doctrine that the U.S. Constitution was a pro-slavery instrument. The conclusion should sum up the author's entire argument from the essay. "What is Frederick Douglass's overall claim in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass? If he had he would have faced much more threats than he did. Although, Douglass is able to be direct our thoughts to these experiences in such a light, you feel as if you are witnessing it happen right before you. Criticizethe evidence and analysis of the counterclaimas being unimportant, irrelevant, or a misinterpretation. II, p. 235; Address on the Twentieth Anniversary of Emancipation, April 16, 1883, in Douglass Papers, Vol. "The demographics of the death row population show a racial bias as well. I teach a seventh grade ELA class and weve just finished reading Walk Two Moonsby Sharon Creech. What [Lincoln] said on this day, Douglass wrote in his final autobiography, showed a deeper moral conviction against slavery than I had ever seen before in anything spoken or written by him.[26]. Open Document. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, Latest answer posted March 08, 2021 at 10:42:24 AM. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. A reason makes someone care and tells the importance of the claim and the argument. succeed. Finally, in the introduction is the thesis (claim). In The Blessings of Slavery, by George Fitzhugh he states that southern slaves for the most part are the freest and happiest people in the world. In a standard, five-paragraph argumentative essay, there are three sections, each with their own components. He shouted with joy when he was able to achieve this feat. ventana canyon golf membership fees; what ships are in port at norfolk naval base? 364366. It is a dream deeply rooted in the American dream. At the center of Kings dream was the hopeful expectation that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creedwe hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equaland that all men, yes black men as well as white men, would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.[1]. Covey as an event that "revived within me a sense of my own manhood". Introduction (1 paragraph that contains the claim), Body Paragraphs (3 paragraphs that contain the reasons, evidence, and counterclaims), Conclusion (sums up the entire argument and provides a look to the future), Describe the four main parts of an argument, Explain why it is important to develop each of these parts in an argument. -he wishes he could present a speech that was positive for the people. Evaluating an Argument Guidelines & Examples | What is an Argument? III, p. 420. It is very difficult to see how the forward- and upward-looking labor required to achieve the ends of justice for all and black elevation in America is to be sustained amid a spreading sentiment of alienation from America. Pick the best evidence to support the opposing point of view. Philip S. Foner (New York: International Publishers, 195075), p. 236 (hereinafter Life and Writings). how does douglass refute this counterclaim? Tell why all or part of the opposing point of view may be reasonable, plausible, or valid, but minimize the opposing position. eNotes.com will help you with any book or any question. Those who are skeptical of the claim of a post-racial America have a point. Covey was at the house, about one hundred yards from the treading-yard where we were fanning. As for the kind of cradle-to-grave care slaves get, Douglass graphically describes the frequent and brutal beatings his master, Mr. Auld, dealt out, and then discusses his own treatment as a child slave on the plantation. 42% of the inmates are black, although African-Americans only account for 12.5% of the U.S. population" (Walter). For example, one popular reason in support of the claim about banning capital punishment is that capital punishment costs taxpayers more than life in prison. His evidence for this claim is that when he first meets her in Baltimore, she is a very kind woman. IV, p. 436. Under its influence, the tender heart became stone, and the lamblike disposition gave way to one of tigerlike fierceness" (page 28). Your mom's counterclaim is that you don't need one. [58] The Blessings of Liberty and Education, in Douglass Papers, Vol. [12] Douglass, What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? July 5, 1852, in Douglass Papers, Vol. A counterclaim is the argument opposing the author's claim. Then, it's time for your evidence, which, again, you have thoughtfully and thoroughly prepared. Douglass states that "scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed." In this method, the author would address the counterclaims within each of the body paragraphs. Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. [32] Douglasss response was disarmingly blunt. Already a member? The first televised presidential debate took place between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. Your doing with us has already played the mischief with us. The specific nature of slaverys worst wrongs, however, suggested a more definite approach. The signers of the Declaration of Independence, Douglass told his audience that day, were brave men. The climactic reversal in his youth came when he resolved to resist, and successfully resisted, a cruel slavemasters attempt to whip him. The authorsTEACHING ESSAYS BUNDLEincludes the threeprintable and digitalresources students need to mastertheCCSS W.1 argumentative and W.2 informational/explanatory essays. Frederick Douglass In an essay or speech that presents an argument, the author often addresses counterclaims, or arguments made by opponents. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? In 2016, slavery has become a distant memory. His first hand accounts of the cruel nature of slavery and the thought processes of the various slave owners help to substantiate his assertion. [18] Douglass, The Republican PartyOur Position, in Life and Writings, Vol. in Literary Studies. As he renewed his labors for justice and progress for the freedpeople, Douglass had to confront a nettlesome question, lingering in the minds even of many anti-slavery whites, that had long obstructed the abolitionist cause. Most urgently, he taught them to reject the spirit of alienation, which he saw as the greatest danger to any peoples liberation and elevation. To the contrary, among such commentators there appears to be a growing consensus that, despite its important victories, the civil rights movement must be judged as on the whole a failure. In paragraph 5, what does douglass acknowledge as a counterclaim to his position? I know of no soil better adapted to the growth of reform than American soil. Although writers use plenty of other options, Im teaching the counterclaim and refutation in the final body paragraph.

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