Love's executioner, and other tales of psychotherapy Much of her therapy had been obtained at the local county mental health clinic, where she had been treated by a series of trainees. It was hard to remember the giggling, superficial woman of a few months before. Or, was it possible that he was far ahead of me and mocked himselfand me, toowith subtle irony? How sad it was, he said, that he had waited until now to try to come alive. My eating is out of control, Betty said, chuckling, and added, You could say my eating is always out of control, but now it is really out of control. Never will be!, Well, what do you mean by running wild?. It is almost miraculous how you, in such a short time, pulled me out of that funk. Ill get to that but, first, there are two other things I want to cover today. Marvin stopped. After Matthew finished talking, she began to stare out the window. You do not have to stay here for me any longer.. It felt like a breakthrough session. You called me a dozen times a day. First, he was still migraine-free. We jogged across the Golden Gate Bridge, brunched at Greens restaurant. Though Marvin continued to feel anxious and depressed, he gamely continued to work in therapy. Moreover, where was the aura of love bliss? I think he ought to know that Im talking about him to you. Saul, in Three Unopened Letters, knew that any reasonable man would open the letters; yet the fear they invoked paralyzed his will. My father, who molested me when I was a child, is dead. If they are helpful to patients at all, ideological schools with their complex metaphysical edifices succeed because they assuage the therapists, not the patients, anxiety (and thus permit the therapist to face the anxiety of the therapeutic process). I want to add to my collectionsmaybe theyre my substitute for childrenstamps, political campaign buttons, old baseball uniforms, and Readers Digests., Next, I explored Marvins relationship with his wife which he insisted was extremely harmonious. I knew more about Marie and about her smiles. I, too, had never reread the letters. But I was too riled up to talk. Where does it exist?, Penny seemed anxious and a little irritable at being pushed or quizzed. Think of that extraordinary story: for the first time in his life, a stable, if prosaic, previously healthy sixty-four-year-old man who has been having sex with the same woman for forty-one years suddenly becomes exquisitely sensitive to his sexual performance. The main charge she brought against herself was that she had not been really present with Chrissie. Theres an important message in thereabout keeping your life peopled. I asked what else helpful had happened during the hour. That fits with what you told me about sex with Matthewthat it wasnt important that he be in you. I really want the group to be helpful to you, and I think it best that we do it this way: Ill be glad to store the letters in a safe, locked place for as long as you wish, provided that you agree to tell the group about our bargain.. At any rate, I wish to dissociate myself from the work.. We know about death, intellectually we know the facts, but wethat is, the unconscious portion of the mind that protects us from overwhelming anxietyhave split off, or dissociated, the terror associated with death. There was an operating room nurse who said she didnt have this privilegeshe had to witness the whole mess. I was able to see myself in their worries, questions, thoughts and fears. Did he ever realize how much I would have liked to join him, perhaps have a quick cappuccino together? Thats why I was surprised, remember, when my hairdresser massaged my scalp. Naturally, I was concerned about her depression. Imagine two minds pressed tight together and, like paramecia exchanging micronuclei, directly transferring thought images: that would be union nonpareil. Saul continued, A couple of weeks ago I saw a book in the bookstore about the imposter complex. It fits me closely. But what I really disliked about Elva was her anger. Betty continued, And somewhere in that year I got the idea I was going to die before I was thirty. Where was his curiosity that his life had changed so dramatically, that his sense of direction, his happiness, even his desire to live was now entirely dictated by whether he could sustain tumescence in his penis? My pleasure with her progress? They were like me! I enjoyed the give-and-take. He suggested that she imagine herself in the dentists chair getting an injection of novocaine. Yalom's 4 major characteristics: 1) The inevitability of death for each of us and for those we love. What do you mean?, My sex drive has always been too strong. As long as he continued to believe that he was tantalizingly close to being desired and loved by an attractive woman, he could buttress his belief that he was no different from anyone else, that there was nothing seriously wrong with him, that he was not disfigured, not mortally ill. But it was not until she stumbled upon an extraordinary revelation about the dangers of losing weight that she could make the decision to begin her diet. Who or what was he loving? Marie and he locked gazes for a moment. None of this is remarkable. Several weeks before, I had suggested to Dave that he enter a therapy group, and over the past three sessions we had discussed this at great length. Maybe they dont sound good, but that happens to be the way were built. What changes in his life had occurred then? No, not reallywe were now speaking together but in parallel, not face to face. She was obsessed with the way she had behaved during Chrissies death. I phoned again and left a message irresistible to patients: to call me because I had something very important to tell him. And such audacity. I think you are determined, absolutely committed, to be jolly with me., Youve done this since our first meeting. I got to the mailbox andand. But now, after only six weeks, all the members and at least one of the co-therapists are thoroughly pissed at you. The patient, who had been enumerating ghastly deeds committed by his tyrannical father, ended by commenting, And he eats raw hamburger! The interviewer, who had struggled hard to maintain his neutrality, was no longer able to contain his outrage, and bellowed back, Raw hamburger? For the rest of that year, the phrase raw hamburger was often whispered in lectures and invariably cracked up the class. Hypnosis works for stupid people or people with weak wills. I wondered, but did not ask, about the relationship between his wife and the key to that safe deposit box. You saw that picture of mebe honest, tell the truth, was I not beautiful? She continued, without waiting for my response. How would she have dressed or walked? In these six compelling tales of therapy, Yalom introduces us to an unforgettable cast of characters: Paula, who faces death and stares it down; Magnolia, into whose ample lap Yalom longs to . As we grow older, we learn to put death out of mind; we distract ourselves; we transform it into something positive (passing on, going home, rejoining God, peace at last); we deny it with sustaining myths; we strive for immortality through imperishable works, by projecting our seed into the future through our children, or by embracing a religious system that offers spiritual perpetuation. Ive been haunted by it for eight years. I feel Im so icky, so creepy and your wife so holy that we couldnt both be mentioned in the same breath. Over the years Ive always called him whenever Ive changed therapists., But I thought you did not discuss him with all these therapists., I didnt. I have found that the memory loss that no one escapes has some advantages. The fact that Penny was in crisis, or said she was, presented me with a dilemma. But this type of interpretation would be totally useless now: he was far too closed and defensive. This comforting illusion may be shattered by some urgent, irreversible experience, often referred to by philosophers as a boundary experience. Of all possible boundary experiences, noneas in the story of Carlos (If Rape Were Legal. To prevent any misunderstanding, I decided it would be best to clarify at once the issue of therapybefore I got in too deep with Penny, before I even asked why, four years after her daughters death, she needed to be seen immediately. I gave her everything she wanted. He merely shook his head. The message:He is building up a case against you. Love's Executioner Irvin D. Yalom, MD What we have here, Dan, is an autistic relationship. What had happened in their lives that might have pushed them into the choices they made? How dare he disclose so many of my private matters? Free delivery worldwide on all books from Book Depository From her description it seemed an ordinary purse snatching. Only Thelma could tell me. I was prepared for his directness and sincerity and, therefore, not thrown off by it. It didnt fit with the rest of her presentation. Thelma, who had been apathetically slumped in her chair, suddenly bolted upright. Yesterday I was talking to Phyllis about all our friends who have died and also about a newspaper article about people who die immediately after retirement. At one hundred and four beats a minute, how long would it take to enter darkness? Your email address will not be published. I want to hear every detail.. Shes had it for years and years. . Pennys daughter, Chrissie, had developed a rare form of leukemia when she was nine and died four years later, one day before her thirteenth birthday. Besides, most of her therapists were young trainees. What was the point of having trusted me at all? None of our hours passed without a good laugh. During the first few sessions, Betty described, in endless detail, problems she encountered at work with customers, co-workers, and bosses. I fought to keep my equilibrium. Ive won, you know.. I met with Phyllis and Marvin as a couple for several more sessions. I eventually decided it was unassailable, and turned my attention to helping her learn how to meet and engage men. She compared our three-way session to a visit with the doctor when you suspect you have cancer. I dont want to jeopardize my only chance for some kind of happiness!, But Thelma, its been eight years. In fact, the wish to escape from his tyranny had been a major force in her decision, eighteen years before, to emigrate to the United States. We were sorry the bag was empty and that the emptying was over. I was reduced to prescribing Marie sedation sub rosa. It seeps into your dreams. Learn how your comment data is processed. He always called me on my shitty habits.. My negative feelings toward him were rapidly growing, but I kept them to myself. I have always been repelled by fat women. First, she lamented that Matthew had such a low opinion of her. Betty started each hour with a progress report: ten pounds lost, then twenty, twenty-five, thirty. I recognized that the chances for success in therapy were not good: Thelmas self-deception, her lack of psychological mindedness, her resistance to introspection, her suicidalityall signalled, Be careful!. I want to accomplish something. I refused to allow him to ruin Maries life. Love's Executioner and other Tales of Psychotherapy ), informed the group of his incurable cancer. My eyes lit upon her pursethat same ripped-off, much-abused purse; and I said, Bad luck is one thing, but arent you asking for it carrying around something that large? Elva, plucky as ever, did not fail to call attention to my overstuffed pockets and the clutter on the table next to my chair. Marvin took himself very seriously: he was practically my only patient with whom I could never joke or banter. The letters! I thought your therapy intervention was calling him a dumb shit? That reduced Sarahs tension, and we both smiled. I just stopped thinking and worrying about me. But I had never known the real, the secret Jay; and, after his confession, I had to reconstruct my image of him and assign new meanings to past experiences. I shrugged off the question. Or had he simply packed his own ideas and desires into some human profilea profile he found attractive only because it ignited cozy, loving, nurturing associations? I submitted one version after another; each one was returned to me considerably shortened until, after several months, she had reduced my fifty-page prologue to about ten pages. Now that youre looking better, Saul, lets go back to work. I was the person responsible for all three losses. My daddy was the only man who ever held me in his arms. It takes away the depthit makes it into nothing. After all, in some ways you must feel that I got you into the fix you are in now. It had already killed most of himhis energy, his strength, and his freedom (he had to live near Stanford Hospital, in permanent exile from his own culture). In fact, though there had been considerable sexual caressing during her twenty-seven days with Matthew, they had had intercourse only once, the first evening. A common, and vigorous, attempt to solve existential isolation, which occurs in several of these stories, is fusionthe softening of ones boundaries, the melting into another. Consider things now from Phylliss side: if she, in her love for you, accepts the role of goddess that you assign her, think of what that role does to her own possibilities for growth. Over the months I had been seeing Carlos, I had discovered that I could chart, with astonishing accuracy, the course of his cancer by noting the things he thought about. Then life seems to be attacking on all fronts: parents feel guilty and frightened at their own inability to act; they are angry at the impotence and apparent insensitivity of medical caregivers; they may rail at the injustice of God or of the universe (many ultimately come to understand that what has seemed injustice is in reality cosmic indifference). How many more layers would she reveal to me? Does anyone have any hunches about the rest of the dream? I asked. And still it seems outrageous. My idea that keeping the letters would make it harder for Dave to terminate therapy was, I realized quickly, nonsense. Im trying to think of her exact words. A lover of words (he spoke several languages), he marveled at the transposition of soul and sole. it is our own ideas of him which we recognizethese words provide a key to understanding many miscarried relationships. I had stripped away defenses without building anything to replace them. As participant, one enters into the life of the patient and is affected and sometimes changed by the encounter. . Subscribe. I could scarcely think of a single person with whom I less wished to be intimate. Whatever the route the passing of love took, the final outcome was the same; neither got what they wanted from the other. No wonder sex has been difficult. Our exchange had taken my breath away, and I hated to end. The message:Marvin, for the first time, discovers his daughterthe feminine, softer, sensitive side of himself. Id be living in an empty world. How could I reject the letters without his feeling I was rejecting him? Surely there must be someone who warranted respect. "His sex life now was confined entirely to masturbating while watching sadomasochistic videotapes.". Was it his innuendoes about suing his neurologistand trying to draw me into it? I feel old, really old. But this was my problem, not Bettys. Marvin simply took her hand. . Youre putting feelings into my mouth. When Im depressed I get impotent, and then because Im impotent I get more depressed. Students routinely extracted extravagant favors from him. When I went to the waiting room to greet Thelma, I was dismayed at her physical deterioration. And those shots of the California coast. Tell me about that decision., I checked you out. It seems clear that the reason youve come to see me is to get help in opening those letters. I was being a little manipulative herehe hadnt quite said that. For most people, the greatest loss to bear is the death of a child. I even added that, though there was a chance that talking might help, it was also possible that talking might be temporarily unsettling. But there was nothing funny about Sauls appearance. I was being cruel, yet the option of not being cruel, of simply humoring him, of tacitly acknowledging that he was incapable of seeing reality, was crueler yet. After I was discharged I immediately flew back to San Francisco, and it was the following day that I met Thelma, sheerly by chance, in Union Square. But after a couple of months, all that changed. Voted #1 site for Buying Textbooks. Our time of intimacycall it love, call it love makingwas redemptive. Why is it so necessary for you to entertain me?. But, Thelma, go back to what I was saying earlier. She then said her goodbyes to old friendsher last Granny Goose Hawaiian-style potato chip, her last Mrs. Fields chocolate chip cookie, and, toughest of all, her last honey-glazed doughnut. A group member asked, What about the dirty old shoe with the sole coming off?, I didnt know, but before I could make any response at all, another member said, That stands for death. Im interested in the problem youre struggling with, and I think I can help you. You treat me like a patient. We had grown deadly serious. 2) The freedom to make our lives as we will. Medication had been of no value and it was to relieve the pain that I had suggested a hypnotic consultation. You must feel that if Albert were alive, this would never have happened to you. I ignored her flip response that if Albert were alive she wouldnt have been taking three old hens to lunch. She started one sessionour seventh, I believeby reporting two events: a vivid dream and another blackout. Thus, in professional language, parental loss is object loss (the object being a figure who has played an instrumental role in the constitution of ones inner world); whereas child loss is project loss (the loss of ones central organizing life principle, providing not only the why but also the how of life).

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