Such as being boiled in pots of water/oil, being sawed in half, woman with their children's body parts put on a string like a necklace around the mother's necks. why i left islam to become sikh - ISIS , Boko Haram, and many other armed Jihadist groups have all been emulating Mohammed, and moderate Muslims keep telling us they dont represent Islam. Just ask the girls of Rotherham, Keighley, Oxford, Bradfordetc. Sure, "who cares about some yellow metal". Once after having my first son, we went to Morocco where my wonderful father-in-law (may Allah bless him and have Mercy on him) gifted me the Quran in English. marriage which my parents started saying to me constantly. 4. The Five K's are kesh (uncut hair), kagh (small comb), ka (circular iron bracelet), kirpn (dagger), and kacch (special undergarment). 13.if allah reveals himself only through Arabic explain WHY the Torah was revealed in HEBREW. why i left islam to become sikh. how to describe ripples in water; how to update visual studio 2019 to 2022; centinela anejo tequila; crystals associated with demeter; annaly capital dividend At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true.. One of the main arguments was that the offensive passages were taken out of context, so I asked in which context was it all right to rape female captives and girls, to violently subjugate non-believers and implement a caliphate, to impose the jizya, to burn and behead apostates, just as Mohammed did, as well as his successor Abu Bakr, to oppress women and have slaves, among other barbaric practices which were seen as sunnah. Islam is a considerably older religion, originating in 610 CE with the Prophet Muhammad and his transcription of the Quran (Koran). Daniel Greenfield, Jihad Watch is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Free Speech Defense. Thank you. Can you see how this violates YHWHs 2nd Chief Commandment? differently, drink all the bad things you do when you're He wasn't a religious Islam's roots can be traced to about 2000 BCE in the Middle East to Ishmael, said to be the illegitimate son of Abraham. For progressive Muslims, it is no longer a mandated practice. I agree, rubiconcrest, that leaving Islam is definitely the true and morally correct path. You may love Sikhism more, but you will probably question it more. However, if even just one Sikh reads this and benefits, it is worth for me to share the story. Muslims and Sikhs in J&K have co-existed peacefully in the worst of times. God created men with the ability to grow beards, and we do not question God's intentions. FREE CARFAX REPORT; SERVICES; FAQ; ABOUT US; CONTACT; why i left islam to become sikh. something on my hand. If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. While male circumcision is still widely practiced, female circumcision is becoming discretionary for many Muslims, except in North Africa, where it is still quite standard. Sikhism Keshdhari devotees and Armitdhari initiates do not cut or remove hair from the body face or scalp. The way to defeat it at the moment is the battle of ideas, to expose and tell the truth, as the truth defeats falsehood. And it makes me wonder ,did they do it to each other? However they are the true Muslims (sorry but the truth hurts sometimes), they dont deny what is in the Quran (like others) and they follow the teachings of Muhammad. normally do and ask God to lead you to your right path. because I would have to leave my family. Sikhism was created during the Mughal Empire's conquest of India. Then this strange thing happened on night {They rode the desert by day but then at night they rode each other}, Sex advice from islamic scholars for the single male or female, if a man makes a hole in a WATERMELON,or a piece of dough,or a leather skin,or a STATUE,then this is the same we said about other kinds of masturbation.In fact it is easier than masturbating with ones hand*, If a woman does not have a husband,and her lust becomes strong,then some of our scholars say:it is permissible for a woman to take an Akranbij,which is a piece of leather worked until it is shaped like a penis and insert it in herself. They will argue that they believe in one God. +. Stay safe and happy. Badai al Fuwaid page 129{ibn qayyim}. Sikhism, religion and philosophy founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century. Why i left Islam - WHAT'S HAPPENING? - SIKH SANGAT And sometimes I feel humbled and honored at the drastic change but peace of mind and wonder why me? Sikh is derived from the Sanskrit word Shishya meaning disciple, learner or student. Literally. Sikhs endo-definitions being antonymous with their perceptions of the Muslims, Sikhism is defined as an egalitarian religion, encouraging the participation of women in the religious and social domains, banning discrimination against women . Also, the challenges that spiritual seekers of truth may face if they are the only individual from a family who has converted or is converting to Sikhism shall be explored and some ways in which these challenges can be overcome. and our You write, Mohammed stated that whoever doesnt pray in the mosque, burn him with a flamethrower. Please cite the reference for this assertion. This article received 11 testimonials and 94% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Was that fighting something that was happening according to Khalsa principals? will be wearing a Abaya and Niqab for the 1st time By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Hola Mohalla occurs the day after Holi and is when the Khalsa Panth gather at Anandpur Sahib and display their warrior skills, including fighting and riding. However, Sikhism is a religion that is very distinct from Islam, with a unique scripture, guidelines, principles, initiation ceremony, and appearance. Sure, "just a bunch of birds". And that too, for our mostly pendu, minor economical status community. Over the centuries, the Ka'aba fell into the hands of idol worshiping pagan, but in 630 CE, the Prophet Muhammad re-established leadership in Mecca and rededicated the Ka'aba to the worship of one God, Allah. Our mailing address is: David Horowitz Freedom Center, P.O. ", "It has all the relevant and correct information. My parents werent there to grab it and throw it or yell at me and make me feel nervous and guilty for holding it or wanting to read it. After all, Sikh means learner or to learn. There is also a formal discipline that many Sikhs follow and it involves the Amrit ceremony. Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38) 7. All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Sikhism outlines many of the similarities between Islam and Hinduism, which is perhaps one of the reasons I appreciate it so much, even if Sikhism generally considers itself separate from both. A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him People from these classes in India were generally treated very badly and it was the dream of Baba Saheb to convert to Sikhism together with the rest of the Dalit community which constituted 25% of the Indian population. becoming so afraid that she decided to leave Makah. Christianity is not. I knew a lot of muslims hated non muslims & women. Although forceful conversion to Islam is forbidden according to the Qur'an, in some cultures, forced conversions to Islam are common. ), The Prophet said, No prayer is harder for the hypocrites than the Fajr and the Isha prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they would certainly present themselves (in the mosques) even if they had to crawl. The Prophet added, Certainly I decided to order the Muadh-dhin (call-maker) to pronounce Iqama and order a man to lead the prayer and then take a fire flame to burn all those who had not left their houses so far for the prayer along with their houses.. No doubt ex-muslims are familiar with the islamic troll:they often PRETEND to be something else{including atheists,hindus,christians etc},and if you say muhamed was a pederast they will say you are a pederast{this is classic Projection and Transference}, They simply cannot handle the Truth.The more you look at perfect mo the worse it gets,the more you look at the koran the more holes are found{islamic scholars have HIDDEN all this using the Classical Arabic nonsense}, I discovered on the internet yesterday some astonishing teachings of an islamic scholar called ibn Qayyim{Badai al Fuwaid}, It is narrated that the companions of the prophet used to masturbate when they were on military expeditions or travelling Where I was living I Robert Spencer In fact, you dont know how rare and precious you are! Both religions are regarded as monotheistic, but there are notable differences in how they define and visualize God. He came from a humble low caste background. How did Moses separate the ocean? These camps play a huge role in raising the spiritual awareness of people and world consciousness. This portrayal does not seem to be grounded in facts, but rather sentimental revisionism. At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true. One advise for improving your knowledge of counter-jihad: watch Christian Princes debates (or Arabian Prophet same person). Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion be you Sikh or Hindu. Islam is built on half-truths and myth, which get passed on by unknowing muslims. I keep telling everyone this. Yes I was raised Muslim (lebanese Muslim father and Irish Catholic mother who converted to Islam) I get asked this question a lot as to why I left the faith . While visitors are welcome in the mosque, only the faithful participate in prayers and other ritual activities. Muslims who Left Islam And Converted To Sikhism - YouTube \r\rWomen, if they follow Islam to the letter, would find they are highly restricted in what they can and can not do. why i left islam to become sikh - This can be done by attending a naming ceremony at any Gurdwara to be given a letter from the Guru or by applying online at There are some muslims who are unable to accept the fact that some muslims would like to renounce Islam and chose another spiritual path so try to bury their heads in the sand and deny muslims do. Enjoy! However, all (Sikhs) say He is omnipresent (everywhere), which contradicts He is One. The comments on here prove the level headed majority know that islam is a lie and the ones who kill in the name of islam from mohammed onwards do it with the pathetic belief that they will get to paradise. Very strange! When people in Western countries come in contact with Sikhs wearing beards and turbans many assume they are Muslims. Was allah out the day when it was manifested to mankind? The religion of Sikhism emerged in the context of medieval India, where many Hindus and Muslims of the Punjab region became Sikhs through conversion. They may not take me seriously or consider me a traitor. I would say similar views of the typical close minded non-Muslim.We were also told that the Muslims killed our Prophets. They and their followers rebelled against the Mughals Empire and would not convert. Hitler was also a fanatic of Islam, he referred to the battle where Charles Martel fought the Ottomans, he wished the Muslims had succeeded so Germany would be Islamic. Powered by Invision Community, Leftists and the West keep brain washing people into think that jihadist are not true Muslims, that they are mentally ill. Who was this young man. The Sikh faith is the fifth largest religion in the world with around 26 million adherents around the globe. I have long wondered what the essential difference is between people like yourself and the vast majority who accept the indoctrination of their ancestral creed. Zakir I would rather kill myself than commit suicide Naik I feel a lot of Sikhs are Sikh by choice because they would rather choose not to disappoint their parents, their friends and they don't want to betray a minority religion whose followers were brutally tortured. I have a strong Iman and I believe that In Muslims in the know consider this to be a great disaster. 41 The second topic I have come across relates to the comparative status of women in Sikhism and Islam. She may also use a CUCUMBER I would also mention apostate prophet from youtube, he is not christian or follows any religion but he left Islam and exposes it daily. why i left islam to become sikh. I couldnt stand this brutal dogma anymore, and decided to find the passion, resurrection, and love of Lord Jesus Christ. Allow me to add my voice to those extending their appreciation for your post and your life. Sikhs also believe that they should defend and protect the rights of others. And Sikhism does not believe in ritual fasting as a means to spiritual enlightenment. By using our site, you agree to our. You have associated all of creation with God, but none is comparable to Him. in the meantime, i will be praying for your safety and for the spread and success of your message. He used the primary Islamic sources which were the basis for the actions of the Islamic extremists, and I was quite surprised that I had never heard of this before. I am the slave of allah he hath given me the scripture and hath appointed me a prophet koran 19:30 assumed he was giving him dirty looks which made him want to Meditate and pray for your family and the Guru will be there to make miracles in your life. There I became more open minded, maybe too much to the point that I wondered what was wrong with gay marriage, two people loved each other !?! Services include langarfree food from the guru's kitchen. To be as brave to stand against everything you have known all your life & lose that life as you knew it , with family etc. It is better than that, Prebangian. why i left islam to become sikh. Awesome Testimony Mustafa:it always impresses me when anybody leaves islam{no matter what they do afterwards} but especially to go from islams Doctrine of Hate{al walaa wal baraa} and religious apartheid system of muslims vs non -muslims{=the WORST of created beings{koran 98:6}to authentic Christianity{With its Golden Rule,2 chief commandments of LOVE Deut6:4-9,lev 19:18 which are also in Judaism}is amazing. Many cruelties and heinous acts of violence, perpetrated by Muslims throughout the centuries were inspired by the Quran and the Sunnah (the examples of the prophet). Of course, our souls. Sikhs accept the scripture of Siri Guru Granth Sahib as the living word of their divine Guru, as interpreted by the 10 historical gurus. Moreover, at home my father was very abusive towards my mother. However, it is impossible to have a discussion about this with a Sikh as they will become angry if you mention this. I never It is intended to show respect for God's creation. October 5, 2021. percentile colors fflogs . However, it brings peace to me to know that it is Allah who Guides whom He wants regardless of who it is and in what circumstance they are in.I say to the Sikhs, SEARCH! To now find out why this is gaining a bit of understanding through platforms like this explaining the Quran commands etc. The table is a sign of the maker, and he is SEPARATE from his creation. Muslims follow the scripture of the Quran, believing it to be the word of God as revealed to the Prophet Mohammad by the Angel Gabriel. If you are unfamiliar with him, I commend the writings of Ibn Warraq, also of Pakistani heritage, to you. CP was an inspiration for Sam Shamoun and recently a vital source of info to David W. May your life be peaceful and punctuated with happiness. And equally obviously it is a very, very long way to go. the Apostate Prophet{Atheist ex-muslim} spread such lies about the Prophet peace be upon him which lead to an old woman Ex-Muslims in India find solidarity online as they face social and They DO. But I still wanted wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. Privacy Policy. how to print avery 5395 labels in word; Tags . In many parts of the Muslim world, leaving Islam is an immediate death sentence. muhammed hijab vs christian prince(full debate)}, Do look at it:any reasonable person while see how thick islamic apologists are.It is worth watching}. Take a basic table (for example), its made for sitting at and putting dishes and food on it. Me and my boyfriend broke up. One correction only to your article: Charles Martel defeated the African mohamedan armies at Tours, and not the Ottomans. Would there be a way to become a Sikh living in Germany? Spot on, Mo. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. *Doesnt it look like this islamic scholar,this holey holy man is talking from personal experience? may God bless U, Mustafa my brother! In this situation it is advisable to be as kind, generous, loving and humble to your partner as you possibly can be. Go to a temple. The original Sikhs were thus all converts, with the first one being Bhai Mardana, a former Muslim.. In western nations, however, Muslims usually follow the predominate cultural practice of monogamy. thank U *so* much for this inspiring article. Hope the investigative agencies swiftly get to the bottom of this issue." J&K's grand Mufti, Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam said. That We are all equal and hence, his teachings are a blend of Islam and Hinduism. To create this article, 37 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. how deeply rooted white supremacist racism plays a central part in western european politics. Do not lie to yourself, or to your Creator. When I got to the line in Surat Al Baqarah where Allah says that we will be tested with loss of wealth, loss of life, etc. { the mehical{sic} Doctor} depth and how I felt through this journey. Islamic religious headgear is almost always worn by Muslims in the Middle East, but it is controversial in some parts of Europe where there have been efforts to outlaw it. It doesn't seem like it. "Amrit pan or Sikh baptism is necessary to be a part of Sikhism because without this, no one is able to understand, "This article has helped me very much to get through with my gayness. May the light of reason guide you forward! As I researched Islam more, it was clear that they wanted Mohammeds prophecy to be fulfilled (Ghazwa-e-Hind), which was the infiltration and conquering of India to establish Islam. She got married I no longer believe this, nor does it make sense to me anymore. Thank you for sharing your inspiring and courageous story. You know it was weird, I didn't want to be a Muslim; but here I was. Islamic scripture of the Quran allows a man to take up to four wives. Muslims be bad if she's so nice. While as per Sikhi, if you want to leave, you are free to do so, and we have historical proof. In fact, my Sikh brother has a shirt that says precisely that. The one thing that puzzles me is this: how can so many Muslims be brainwashed by the doctrines of the Quran, accepting it as normalcy. By Posted jordan schnitzer house In strengths and weaknesses of a volleyball player As for "sovereignty," Ranjit Singh's empire began when he robbed other Sikh misaldars of their sovereignty. If they just understood that God is not omnipresent, then only Islam would be left for them to consider. You seriously think any org would push for sanctions against India? I also am thankful for discovering jihadi watch & robert Spencer work as I had bad experiences in the past & knew a lot of things but as you say, if you dare question islam then you are racist. We wasted decade upon decade going to Human Rights groups, UN, various governments, countless marches - haven't you learned that these things are useless yet? Khalsa, Sukhmandir. We welcome people from all walks of life to come and join us and learn about who we are as well as to share a home-cooked Indian meal that follows each of our services. MANY MUSLIMS HAVE CHOKED AT THIS VERSE IN MY EXPERIENCE. vain hope of preventing people from their community I can now accept myself for who I am, and I, "The points illustrated in simple language along with pictures impressed me a lot. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/1\/1f\/Be-a-Sikh-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/v4-460px-Be-a-Sikh-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/1\/1f\/Be-a-Sikh-Step-1-Version-2.jpg\/aid970038-v4-728px-Be-a-Sikh-Step-1-Version-2.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"

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